Nissim b'Nissan
Our congregation got a Kohen
A new guy showed up in shul, and we welcomed him. The next Shabbat (Sabbath), he came to synagogue again, and got corralled at Kiddush just long enough for someone to find out he's a Kohen (Priest, descendant of the priests of biblical times) and encourage him to come to synagogue early enough to get an aliyah. Which he did. All the aliyot had to be reshuffled to accommodate our new-found Kohen, but everyone was delighted. This is probably the first time in about a decade that we've had a Kohen on a regular Shabbat morning. Hope he keeps coming to shul nice and early.
We got home from both sedarim early enough that our students didn't have to come and tell us that it was time to recite the morning Sh'ma :)
Our night-blind buddy went to the same synagogue sedarim that we attended, so of course we walked him home. That was one of the slowest 15-block walks we've ever taken. But we all got home safely eventually.
I'm finally developing a taste . . .
for gluten-free oat matzah, which is the only kind of matzah that I can still eat. Since I've now been gluten-sensitive for well over two and a half years, it's about time!
We got (exactly) a minyan for morning services on the second day of Pesach (Passover)
Many thanks to our senior maintenance man, who served as "wheelchair driver" for one of our most dedicated shul-goers--if she hadn't been there, we wouldn't have had a minyan. Many thanks, also, to our tenth person, the synagogue president, even though, as a retired kosher caterer, he would have preferred to be in the kitchen, and we had to do everything short of gluing his shoes to the floor to keep him in the room until after the Musaf Kedusah prayer. :)
Moed tov!
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